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Eurofins Built Environment Testing's training courses provide unique and valuable opportunity to learn from an industry-leading laboratory with decades of experience in analysis and investigations. Our training webinars were developed for professionals with a moderate level of experience in various fields. You will learn about specific topics, industry trends, and methodologies. These webinars are presented by industry leaders.



For those who attended the live webinar, your PDH certificates will now be available for download at:

Please visit this site and "Register" using the email account that was registered for the live webinar. Note that your certificate from live webinars will be available 24 hours after the conclusion of the event.



Overview of types, dimensions, and frequencies of asbestos and other Respirable Elongate Mineral Particles (REMPs) detected in digested tissue from individuals with asbestos related disease. The data was compiled during analysis of over 600 lung, lymph node, ovary, and omentum samples.

In this session we will discuss the common asbestos analytical methods in soil, including but are not limited to CARB 435 method, ASTM D7521 method, and EPA Superfund method. After presenting the procedures of each method, we will compare these methods in a broad scope of criteria. The challenges of asbestos in soil analysis are focused in this presentation.

In this webinar we will discuss the common asbestos analytical methods in air, including NIOSH 7400 method using phase contrast microscopy (PCM), and NIOSH 7402 method, EPA AHERA method, and ISO 10312 method using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Sample preparation and analysis procedures are briefly discussed.

Asbestos contamination from naturally occurring asbestos has become an emerging public health concern ever since asbestos was recognized to be carcinogenic. This webinar discusses the history of naturally occurring asbestos in the United States, its mining and public disasters that have occurred because of its presence.

In this session we will discuss the PLM and TEM methods available for bulk asbestos testing. We will provide a glimpse into how samples are analyzed and results obtained. Bulk asbestos methods and their purposes will be explained, and their advantages and disadvantages will be presented.

Overview of variety, dimensions, and frequencies of Asbestos and other Respirable Elongate Mineral Particles (REMPs) in human tissue and environment compiled during analysis of over 600 lung, lymph node, ovary, and omentum samples. This data shows the type and size distribution of Asbestos and REMPs most encountered in human tissue impacted by asbestos related diseases.

Almost 50 years ago government agencies (OSHA, EPA, NIOSH, WHO) deemed it necessary to regulate “Asbestos” which is defined as the asbestiform variety of six mineral types: Chrysotile, Amosite, Crocidolite, Anthophyllite, Tremolite, and Actinolite. However, other NONREGULATED asbestiform minerals, many exhibiting even greater toxicity than Asbestos exist in the natural environment.

Whether we like it or not asbestos is a part of our everyday life. When It comes to the homes we live in and offices we work at there may be a chance that asbestos has been there. Widely used in the 20th century for many of its uses, asbestos you can say has become the staple mineral for the U.S. and various other countries.